Choosing your personalized workshop: a guide

Mauro Benedetti. Morning Light Workshop. 2015.
Mauro Benedetti. Morning Light Workshop. 2015.

Morning Light – The Graceful Style

Morning light is for those who don’t mind waking up with the dawn. When the sun peaks over the horizon and graces the (rarely) quiet city streets, it turns monuments golden and makes the river sparkle. Morning Light tends to be for those who like a certain purity in their photography. If you tend to use lighter exposure and want to capture Rome in its unadorned, unpopulated moment, the bright morning light and soft colors are for you.


Mauro Benedetti. Evening Light Workshop. 2016.
Mauro Benedetti. Evening Light Workshop. 2016.

Evening Light – The Dramatic Style

Evening Light is for those who prefer dramatic elements in their photography. If you tend to appreciate high contrast or long shadows, then evening light will deliver. Evening brings out the deep colors of the world during the golden hour, where the deep blues of the sky contrast hauntingly with the warm street lights dotted amongst the Eternal City. For those who appreciate both color and B&W photography, evening brings halos of light on subjects that can be emphasized in a monochrome frame and brilliant painterly colors only captured in their full spectrum. Either way, if you have a flair for the dramatic, evening is a perfect match.


Mauro Benedetti. City Night. 2018.

City Night – The Energetic Style

Streaking cars and starburst lights, the city comes alive at night here in Rome. For those who like to capture the life of their subjects, City Night is perfect. If you prefer working with a tripod, the city night would allow you to set up in a perfect spot and watch the city before you while capturing it through your lens. This workshop is for the night-owl for sure, a person who absorbs their energy from the white light of the moon and the blanket of humming city life surrounding them.


Mauro Benedetti. Street Photography Workshop. 2018.
Mauro Benedetti. Street Photography Workshop. 2018.

Street Photography – The Curious Style

Our acclaimed Street Photography workshop is for people watchers, people lovers and photojournalists at heart. Depending on the time of day you request, capture the true, undisturbed essence of a stranger through your lens. Take with you just a snapshot of all those quirky relationships between human beings, the theater occurring in everyday Roman life. From the funny to the solemn, moods and light abound. Our Street workshop is for the photographer that wants it all. Perfect for both the daring and the introvert.


Mauro Benedetti. Food Photography Workshop. 2017.
Brian Koperski. Food Photography Workshop. 2017.

Food Photography – The Detailed Style

Our Food Photography workshop is for the lover of details as well as the simply hungry. If you’re the type of photographer that prefers to focus in on one subject, lighting it up from all possible angles and compositions, then the food photography allows you to funnel that detail-oriented energy to an appetizing subject. Photographers who prefer macro photography and the larger-than-life distortion of a wide angle lens will love highlighting every delicious detail of these subjects. If you’re the kind of photographer that would rather stay in the studio, then our Food workshop is the one for you. Bring your appetite, as we do eat our subject!

– Kirby Caraballo