The Best Time to Visit – and Photograph – Rome

September – April

The best time to visit the Eternal City is after the tourist crowds have dissipated, and the cool months start to settle in. For photographers, the breezy September days start to shorten, creating dramatic light up into the late autumn weather.

Mauro Benedetti. September 2018.
Mauro Benedetti. Evening Light Workshop.

The tourists have gone back home, and the cobblestone streets no longer feel the beating of sweaty crowds’ feet. Subjects become more isolated, and the true Italians who call Rome home can be found more easily amongst historical monuments and plazas, smoking cigarettes or sipping cafe between work hours. Street photography comes alive, and the characters of Rome begin to emerge. Evening light becomes elusive as daylight savings time begins. Photographers come out of the woodwork to capture the more intimate side of Rome between the summer months.

Mauro Benedetti. Street Photography Workshop. 2018.
Mauro Benedetti. Street Photography Workshop. 2018.

Moreover, as the rates for museums and tickets to exhibitions lower, the visiting or local photographer finds oneself more flexible, adaptable, and welcomed than during tourist season. Whether you’re a documentary style photographer or a creative photo artist, these times are surely the best to explore the intricacies Rome has to offer — to experience the secrets of an everyday Roman existence.

Need help navigating the photographic opportunities that await you? We offer a wide selection of photography workshops ranging from Morning Light, Evening Light, City Night, Street Photography, Food, and Custom. From hobbyists to professionals, we help people seek out the hidden moments that awaken during these siesta months with the guidance of local, professional photographers.

-Kirby Caraballo